Magi Big Bangs
Big bangs, those expressions of love towards a series from enthusiastic fans. Doesn't really work out with tiny fandoms, so unless some new material comes out, these will likely be the only Magi Big Bangs we'll see for now.

Magi Big Bang 2017
Magi Big Bang 2017 was organized by sparots. The first step, singups, happened in January, and the fanworks were posted on July 8, 2017.

To see the full list of works created for Magi Big Bang 2017, see this Fanlore link.

Magi Big Bang 2019
Magi Big Bang 2019 was organized by SetsuntaMew and Dragonofeternal, and was supposed to happen in mid-2019. However, it was cancelled due to the combination of no-shows, dropping interest in the fandom, as well as the organizers' IRL issues.

To see the full list of works published for Magi Big Bang 2019, see this Fanlore link.